Group Charter

Group charter flights aircraft solutions : Regional jet airliners & turboprops, VIP & executive airliners, dedicated charter airlines.

Chartering an aircraft for groups can definitely meet your budget requirements, as hiring a commercial plane or a charter flight for a large group often provides cost reduction compared to regular flights.

You can also choose the airport closest to your destination, where the airlines do not provide regular lines while allowing all members of the same group to travel together

Our customized support gives you full control of every detail of your trip by meeting exactly your needs.

Since your flight is entirely dedicated to you, you have a choice of tailor-made services, both at the airport and on board of the aircraft :
Date and time of your departure, options of customization, personalized catering, and additional services...


We work in close collaboration with charter and regular airlines to offer you the most suitable transport solution by adapting to your requirements in types of aircraft and budget.

Sports Flights

Private jets for athletes, club leaders, small-capacity aircraft for teams, charter aircrafts for corporate guests, club partners, journalists, supporter groups... Safely, we provide you with a solution in a chartered flight on the ground closest to your final destination.


The use of airplane charter for sports trips has many significant advantages:

  • Time saving: optimize your trip: minimum time traveling, more preparation and recovery time for your team. We ensure you to land as close as possible to the match venue.
  • Custom tailoring: menus aboard the aircraft developed according to your criteria, headrest with the club logo, flocking of the plane...
  • Adaptability and sécurity: Request for specific authorizations for night-after-match returns (airport opening extension). Many airports also require specific aircraft and skills that we will be happy to introduce. We guarantee a rigorous follow-up in real-time from your request until the end of your operation.
Logo Enjoy Flying
  • 21 rue de Verdun
    34000 Montpellier

  • +33 676 488 056


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